News & Events
Stay updated with the latest developments, news, and upcoming events in the world of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT).
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Department of Accountancy
- Meeting with the Chief Inspector – Department of Employment and Labour (DEL) to state the case of the Diploma in NDT qualification and seeking guidance for the registration of NDT as a professional career in the DEL database (2019).
- DEL organised an ‘Imbizo’ of all NDT stakeholders in South Africa to chart a way forward under the auspices of one organisation for all NDT qualified personnel. The South African Qualification Certification Committee for NDT (SAQCC-NDT) was constituted, representing various industries and institutions (2020).
- Ms N Nyambeni (J Lecturer at VUT), and representing higher education, becomes the only woman and the first secretary of the newly formed SAQCC-NDT. Under the guidance of DEL, its mandate is to pursue a statutory body for the registration of all NDT personnel in South Africa (2020).
- MES through helping hand foundation donated R180 000.00 to the NDT department. The funding was allocated to three NDT students in June 2021.
- 12 graduates offered opportunities by TUV-SUD to do Level 3 through SAIW (2020-2021).
Additional degree programmes
- Post Graduate Diploma – NQF 8 (in development)
- Advanced Diploma, NQF 7 Currently offered (2020)
Latest Equipment purchased
- An eddy current array detector (2020).
- A new Infra-red Thermography machine (2019).