Marketing, Retail Business and Sport Management

We offer dynamic, industry-focused education in Marketing, Retail Business, and Sport Management, preparing graduates for impactful careers.

Ka Rona

Department of Marketing, Retail Business and Sport Management


Meet the talented individuals at VUT who drive our success with their expertise and passion

Ikopanye le Rona

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Explore our innovative research and groundbreaking projects, driving progress and inspiring new ideas

Department of Marketing, Retail Business and Sport Management

Engaging with this Department will introduce you to the world of business through the lenses of a dynamic Marketing, Retail Business and Sport Management curricula. The Department undertakes to lay a firm bedrock for career opportunities in the private, public and other sectors of government. Our pride is in the ability to promote academic intellectualism that is unfiltered and knows no boundaries. In our commitment towards harnessing top graduates, we uphold a teaching-research nexus embedded in practise-led modalities that are premised in accentuating both local and international impacts. I invite you to engage with our webpage for information on our academic programmes, including other information regarding staff and students’ research and various activities that promote social engagement scholarship.

The unique proposition set by the department of Marketing, Retail Business & Sport Management is to help you maximise your potential in all areas of life through activities ranging from authentic experiences including both practise and research-informed teaching and learning activities. We encourage you to continue your path toward personal excellence and lifelong fulfilment. Therefore, studying in this Department entails more than just the attainment of an academic qualification – it is a formative process of personal growth and wholesome development for all stakeholders.


To lead by offering dynamic curricula that is responsive to the needs of industry, government and both national and international standards.


The Department of Marketing, Retail business & Sport Management’s mission is to gain local and global recognition and status as a clearing house for academic excellence with a capacity to nurture marketing, retailing and sports practitioners of the highest calibre.

Not only do our staff and students’ competencies develop during the VUT journey, but the experience will have an impact and a positive influence on the totality of the learning individual. In this regard, the Department of Marketing, Retail Business & Sport Management enacts a reflexive response to the vision and mission of the Faculty of Management Sciences as well as in recognition of the university-wide commitment towards what is regarded as the cornerstone of a university of technology (UoT), as communicated within the Institutional-planning framework.

Ditaba tsa moraorao

15 June 2023

Over fifty (50) final year Sport Management students from the Vaal University of technology (VUT) received the South African Football Association (SAFA)-Confederation of African Football (CAF) D Licenses recently, marking a vital step in their journey to becoming qualified coaches. 

31 October 2023

Recently, Ms Bhekiwe Nontokozo Simelane, a Lecturer in the Marketing & Sport Management Department at the Vaal University of Technology (VUT) scooped the first Prize at the Retail Sector Education and Training Authority (W&RSETA) Good Practise Awards (GPA) that were held at Raddison Hotel in Johannesburg on 26October 2023.

Staff and students participated in the 2024 departmental mega-conference on the 1st of November 2024

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