Human Resources Department

Provides faculty, staff, and prospective employees with access to essential information, including policies, benefits, payroll, career development, and support services


Ka Rona

Explore Our Vision, Mission and Values .

Organisational Development

Find the right course and see why studying with us is different

Employee Relations

Is to strengthen the employer-employee relationship

Wellness Support

Explore a variety of staff wellness support services

Policies and Procedures

HR Service Units and Contacts

Medical Aid, Business Partners, Employee Relations, HR Specialist, HR Recruitment and Benefits

Our Business Partners

Suzette Nortje  (Acting ED:HR)
Telephone: 016 950 9695
Office: AW107
[email protected]

Sandy Mordaunt
Telephone: 016 950 9453
Office: AW 120
[email protected]

Judas Mabilu
Telephone: 9136
Office: AW111
[email protected]

Ntediseng Motaung
Telephone: 016 950 9160
Office: AW117/1
[email protected]

Employee Relations

Tshepo Thekiso

Employee Relations Consultant 
Telephone: 016 950 9104
Office: AW110
[email protected]

John Sello
Employee Relations Specialist 
Telephone: 016 950 7541
Office: AW 113
[email protected]

HR Specialist

Martin Lerata
OD & Performance Specialist
Telephone: 016 950 9060
Office: AW107
 [email protected]

Tracey Van Vuuren
HR Business Analyst
Telephone: 016 950 9450
Office: AW105
Email: [email protected]


Ntombizodwa Skosana

Recruitment Receptionist

Telephone: 016 950 9392
Office: B103
Email: [email protected]

Ntswaki Cleopedrah Mofokeng

HR Administrator

B103 Recruitment & Selection Unit

016 950 6714

Angie Moeti
HR Practitioner
Telephone: 016 950 9523
Office: B103
Email: [email protected]

Paulina Mafaesa
HR Practitioner (Acting Skills practitioner)
Telephone: 016 950 9483
Office: AW116
Email: [email protected]



 Pinky Motsoetla

HR Practitioner (Acting HRBP)
Telephone: 016 950 6645
Office: B103
Email: [email protected]

Carmen Titus-Tjotjo
HR Practitioner
Telephone: 016 950 6848
Office: B103
Email: [email protected]

Portia Mkhari
Hr Practitioner (Fixed Term)
Telephone: 016 950 6848
Office: B103
Email: [email protected]

Ntswaki Mofokeng
HR Recruitment / Admin 
Telephone: 016 950 9392
Office: B103
Email: [email protected]



Thembi Mashiloane
Benefits / Remuneration

Telephone: 016 950 9678
Office: AW119
Email: [email protected]

Joane Mbaiwa
Benefits / Retirement 
Telephone: 016 950 9697
Office: AW104
Email: [email protected]

Medical aid broker consultant


Dudu Maluka

Office: 109|HR building

Telephone: 016 950 9340

Email: [email protected]|[email protected]


Role as Medical aid consultant:

Advice clients with medical aid options, process application forms and plan changes

Educate members on medical aid benefits and loyalty programs

Assist clients with claims

Advice clients with Gap cover

Assist clients with addition of dependents and cancelation

Assist with hospital authorizations

Assist clients with personal changes on their medical aid

Capture clients’ details, log queries and save all communication on the system

Assist billing specialist with billing related queries

Induction on new employees

Monthly visit on-site campus

Do medical aid presentations for end – year sessions

Assist clients on all medical aid queries

Ikopanye le Rona

Human Resource Department

Ms Teresa Martins Snr Admin Telephone: 016 950 9327 Office: AW101

Suzette Nortje   Acting ED:HR Telephone: 016 950 9695 Office: AW107

Mr Sakhile Cele Operations Director Telephone: 016 950 6765 AW107

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