IT Student Services

We provide essential resources and technologies to help you efficiently gather, organize, and analyze information for your projects.

Research Tools

Research Software Training & Support

The library provides training and support to researchers to various research management software and tools such as :

  • RefWorks
  • Endnote
  • Turnitin

Research Directorate Resources

Several software programmes are available at the Research Directorate to support research. These programmes are available to all staff and postgraduate students: Click Here


In a world of e-research, there are more data sources available than ever, which means researchers need highly efficient ways to gather, digest, organize and share vast amounts of information easily.

RefWorks is a web-based bibliographic citation manager that allows you to collect, save and organize bibliographic citations for journal articles, books, web sites and other sources that you have found during your research. With it you can create correctly-formatted bibliographies in your preferred style. This service is available free of charge to all VUT students and staff and is accessible both on and off campus. To use the software, you will need to create an account.


Turnitin is an anti-plagiarism software or originality checking software that assist detect plagiarism before submitting your work. It compares your research work against over 12 billion web pages, and millions of other books, journals, newspapers, and other student papers.

Once your work is loaded on Turnitin, results are returned in the form of customized originality reports. Any text matches found in Turnitin database are highlighted and linked to the source. Originality reports allow the supervisor or faculty to determine of whether plagiarism has occurred or not.

Students are encouraged to check their work on Turnitin before submitting.

Should you need training on using Turnitin, RefWorks or any software kindly contact your subject information specialist

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