VUT Water and Food Testing Laboratory

The VUT Water & Food Testing Laboratory, established in 2007 and rebranded in 2022, provides specialized microbiological and chemical analysis for the water and food sectors. 

VUT Water and Food Testing Laboratory

Established in 2007 as a consulting and testing laboratory specializing in microbiological and chemical analysis, to offer services to the water and food sectors. The lab was formerly known as AMBIO Environmental and as of 2022, VUT has rebranded the laboratory and is now known as the VUT Water & Food Testing Laboratory. The VUT Water & Food Testing laboratory continues to provide prompt, efficient and reliable services to its clientele through their dedicated and competent staff. The laboratory is ideally located within the Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark campus at the Y-Block.

  1. Microbial and chemical analysis of all types of waters (tap water, bottled waters, borehole water, river water, industrial and sewage effluents), according to SANS 241-1:2015 drinking water standard.
  2. Determination of fats, oils and greases in water and food samples
  3. Food pathogen detection-ListeriaSalmonella and Escherichia coli
  4. Production and sales of the VUT branded Reverse Osmosis water (VUTAQUA)

VUT water and food testing laboratory  Environmental Management (Pty) Ltd laboratory is a highly specialized laboratory which provides chemical, microbiological and analytical support to the following:

  • Water & wastewater industries
  • Local municipalities
  • Personal and investigative testing
  • Food and Beverage Industries
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