Department of Internationalisation

Our Internationalisation policy is an enabling tool that supports and commits to Internationalisation as an essential element of quality higher education, research and innovation.

Department of Internationalisation

The Department of Internationalisation (DoI) is responsible for the Internationalisation of the VUT. The VUT is committed to participating in establishing collaborative links with international institutions of higher learning and other bodies to increase teaching and research exchange programmes and projects that facilitate the exchange of knowledge and innovation.​

We also aim to promote and facilitate all facets of Internationalisation and the development of the university in all spheres. The DoI is a port of call for all international students and visitors. It provides a wide range of services including, but not limited to, responding to general enquiries from prospective students, student life, cultural integration and immigration clearance.

Our contribution towards the growth of the University includes:

– Growing VUT’s global profile through staff and student exchanges

– Benchmarking continental needs and global standards

– Enhancing the integration of the global and local for mutual benefit

– Providing specialist services to all international students and applicants

– Developing and promoting the concept of Internationalisation.

International Students Orientation Programme (ISOP)
This programme is designed to help international students with the transition from their country of origin into the new culture and lifestyle of South Africa.  The main objectives of ISOP are to:

To help students adjust to the new educational environment and demands
To provide interesting, stimulating, rewarding and practical information to help the students prepare themselves for the tasks and challenges that they might encounter
To teach students how to handle other aspects of their lives that may affect their academic success
To help students how to identify, find and use facilities and services of the university and surrounding environment
To provide a setting in which students can develop interpersonal relationships with others
To assist students through their cultural adjustment and enable them to share their own cultures and experiences with other students
To encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities to enhance their physical and social wellbeing, leadership abilities and other talents.
Intercultural Day
The objectives of the International Cultural Day are to encourage social cohesion, cultural understanding, tolerance and unity.  Students are grouped per their country of origin and given a budget to prepare their country’s cuisine of choice.  The main activities for this important day in our university calendar are:

Cuisine (traditional)
Traditional Dances
Traditional attire and heritage
DoI, through its mandate to drive the Internationalisation strategy of the university, is to encourage interaction and harmony amongst staff and students.  The expected outcomes for Intercultural Day is that participating students/groups will exploit this one-stop and rare opportunity to interact with the VUT community regarding their cultural diversity and offerings as well as act as ambassadors for their respective countries.
International Information Day

The objective of the International Information Day is to bring a wide range of partners, both national and international, to provide the VUT staff and students with highly relevant information and opportunities on:

Placements and internships
Exchange programmes
Social, economic, legal and recreational services (e.g. banking, sports, policing, immigration, health, societies, tourism, etc.)
The International Information Day is a foundation and stepping stone to new and existing collaborative activities that the university has with international, public, social and private institutions.  Above all, it plays a significant role in preparing students for their lives and future careers.
First Year Excursion

The First Year Excursion is a whole day event just after the ISOP, which is organized by DoI for all new international students.  The objective of e event is to familiarize the new international students with the touristic attractions of the Vaal Region and the Gauteng precinct.  The students get to visit, among others, the Sharpeville Memorial in Sharpeville, the Nelson Mandela House and the Hector Peterson Memorial, both in Soweto.

North America
South America

The Department of Internationalisation has key partner such as:

– International Educational Association of South Africa (IEASA)

– The Southern African – Nordic Centre (SANORD)

– Eastern European Education Association (EEUA)

– African Network for Internationalisation of Education (ANIE)

– Department of Home Affairs (DHA)

– Department of Higher Education (DHE)

– National Research Foundation (NRF)

– DAAD: German Academic Exchange Services

– Erasmus Mundus & Erasmus +

– Embassies and High Commissions’

Registration Documents

Certified copy of passport

Certified copy of valid VUT study visa

Medical Aid for 13 Months

Certified copy of Refugee/Asylum papers



Certified copies of passport

Certified copies of valid relative endorsed to study at VUT



Special Permits (Lesotho Special Permit / Zimbabwean Exemption Permit

Certified copy of passport

Certified copies of Valid special permit for study

Medical Aid for 12 months



Certified copies of passport
Certified copies of Valid Diplomatic Visa
Medical Aid for 12 months



Certified copies of passport
Copy of VFS receipt
Signed undertaking
Medical Aid for 12 Months



Certified copy of passport
Certified copies of Valid special permit for study
Medical aid for 12 months
Signed Will form
Proof of payment
Letter from company

Kgokagana le rena

Director (Acting)

Mr Vido Khungune

016 950 9377


Mr Siyabonga Kohli

016 950 6699

Administrator and Registration Officer

Ms Delsile Mabuza

016 950 9364

Administrator and Registration Officer

Ms Lydia Mosese

016 950 9578

Administrator and Registration Officer

Verification of documentation for registration

General Enquiries

Reception: 016 950 9318

Fax number: 016 950 9768

Administrator and Registration Officer

Verification of documentation for registration

General Enquiries

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