Faculty of Engineering achieves ECSA accreditation

28 February 2025 | Story: Qhawekazi Memani | Photo: Naledi Nkosi

2 minutes read time.

The Vaal University of Technology’s (VUT) Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FET) has successfully secured accreditation for most of its engineering programmes following the final accreditation visit conducted by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) on 13–14 February 2025.

The visit aimed to assess the faculty’s response to deficiencies identified during the previous interim accreditation visit held on 15–16 February 2024. The ECSA delegation was welcomed by the Engineering faculty staff and engaged with VUT Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Professor Khehla Ndlovu, faculty members, and the Student Representative Council (SRC).

During the evaluation, the accreditation team found that all previously identified deficiencies in the Diploma and Advanced Diploma programmes in the Department of Electrical Engineering had been addressed. ECSA confirmed that all accreditation criteria were met across the department’s nine programmes. However, one concern was noted for future attention. Despite this, all Electrical Engineering programmes have been granted accreditation until 2027.

In the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Diploma in Mechanical Engineering successfully addressed previously noted deficiencies and received full accreditation. However, in the Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, while two of the three identified deficiencies were resolved, one remains outstanding. The issue relates to the lack of evidence for the moderation of Graduate Attribute 7 (GA 7).

The faculty takes great pride in the accreditation of a broad range of its programmes. These include the Diploma programmes in Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering with specialisations in Electronic Engineering, Power Engineering, Process Control Engineering, and Computer Systems Engineering, as well as Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Metallurgical Engineering. Likewise, the Advanced Diploma programmes in Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering with specialisations in Electronic Engineering, Power Engineering, Process Control Engineering, and Computer Systems Engineering, alongside Industrial Engineering and Metallurgical Engineering, have all secured accreditation.

Professor Khaled Abou El-Hossein, the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, acknowledged the positive accreditation outcomes and reaffirmed the faculty’s commitment to addressing ECSA’s concerns. He stated, “Immediate corrective measures will be implemented to resolve the outstanding issue in the Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering to ensure compliance before the next accreditation review.”

He further emphasised the faculty’s dedication to upholding excellence in engineering education, adding, “We will continue working closely with ECSA to maintain high accreditation standards. This accreditation outcome reaffirms our commitment to producing highly competent engineering graduates who meet industry demands and global best practices. The faculty remains steadfast in its mission to ensure continuous improvement and alignment with accreditation requirements, thereby preserving the integrity and quality of engineering education at VUT.”

With ongoing efforts to strengthen its academic offerings, the faculty remains focused on meeting and exceeding accreditation standards to support student success and industry readiness.

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