Neela go VUT

We are building a mutually beneficial alumni and friends community in the hope of ensuring dynamic, participative society.

Neela go VUT

Your financial contribution to Vaal University of Technology (VUT) is crucial. 

For decades, VUT has and continues to offer an expansive catalogue of industry tailored undergraduate and postgraduate programmes which span the fields of Applied and Computer Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Human Sciences and Management Sciences. Over these. Over these years, VUT has produced dynamic graduates who are making positive contributions in the working environment, worldwide.

These achievements were largely made possible by the support from many of our donors and partners, who believed in the vision of VUT and committed to making a positive impact in the lives of many of our students.

We, therefore, wish to invite all our donors, partners and friends of VUT to join and continue supporting us as we develop our students and build a future that we will all be proud of. Donating to VUT does not only assist the university, it has far-reaching impact for our students, and by extension, the country.

Why Support VUT

We are building a mutually beneficial alumni and friends community in the hope of ensuring dynamic, participative society. By supporting VUT, you are investing in the continued excellence of the university and every financial contribution makes a difference.

News and Media

Banking Details

ABSA account number: 530861945
Branch Name: Vanderbiljpark
Branch Code: 630237
Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ

Reference: VUT Bursary Donation

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