
The Industrial Engineering, Operations Management, and Mechanical Engineering Department proudly aligns itself with leading professional organizations to enhance education, research, and professional practice



“The Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) is a statutory body established in terms of the Engineering Profession Act (EPA), 46 of 2000. The ECSA’s primary role is the regulation of the engineering profession in terms of this Act. Its core functions are the accreditation of engineering programmes, registration of persons as professionals in specified categories, and the regulation of the practice of registered persons.  Consequently, the ECSA is the only body in South Africa that is authorised to register engineering professionals and bestow the use of engineering titles, such as Pr Eng, Pr Tech Eng, Pr Techni Eng, Pr Cert Eng, on persons who have met the requisite professional registration criteria.”

[About ECSA – What Is ECSA – Accessed 25 April 2024]


SAIIE is an online platform where Industrial Engineering professionals have access to job vacancies, community engagement platforms, free Webinars, Site Visits and other Events.  It assists ECSA registered professionals in managing Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activities and provides advice as well as mentors for professional registration with ECSA.  The South African Journal of Industrial Engineering is a highly acclaimed academic journal, providing SAIIE members with cutting edge information on Industrial Engineering innovations and advances.

[Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering ( – Accessed 25 April 2024]

SAIIE publishes The Journal of Industrial Engineering (SAJIE) with articles emphasizing research, development, and application within the different fields of Industrial Engineering and Technology Management. SAIJIE endeavors to further develop these fields of study and assist in the effective exchange of knowledge, ideas and experience between Institutions of Higher Learning and the application-oriented industry.

[The South African Journal of Industrial Engineering ( – Accessed 256 April 2024]


“SAIMechE is the senior body representing the discipline of mechanical engineering in South Africa. It covers all fields of application as diverse as automobile, energy generation, process engineering, heavy manufacture, design, management, research, mining, and education. SAIMechE is over a century old and originated as the South African Association of Engineers and Architects, established in 1892. SAIMechE is a voluntary association of Mechanical Engineers, Technologists and Technicians that have access to various grades of membership and the associated benefits.” [SAIMechE – Accessed 25 April 2024]

The South African Mechanical Engineer is the official publication of SAIMechE and is now available as a twice-monthly online newsletter. SAIMechE also has a fortnightly newsletter ‘Torgue’ that is dedicated to their community. The R&D Journal is a peer reviewed engineering science journal, active since 1985, and is fully accredited as a subsidized journal with the South African State Department of Higher Education. The R&D Journal is available ‘open access’ in electronic format and articles can be downloader for free in PDF format. [R&D Journal – SAIMechE – Accessed 26 April 2024]

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