IT Student Services

Resource hub for students needing support with technology and digital tools on campus.

IT Student Service Catalogue

Provides information on accessing university email, setting up Wi-Fi, and downloading essential software. The page also includes help with managing passwords and using online learning platforms. There are links to tech support resources, including FAQs and troubleshooting guides

Student Self Services

Student Self Service

Wi-Fi spots

Internet access points on campus allows you to connect to Eduroam, Guest and VUT_STAFF Wi-Fi networks using your computer, smartphone, or other devices while away from your home or office network.

Eduroam is an international Wi-Fi internet access roaming service for users in research, higher education and further education.VUT students can connect to Eduroam both at VUT or when visiting any Eduroam participating University using their login credentials.

Click here to view the guide on how to connect to Eduroam.

Microsoft 365

VUT in collaboration with Microsoft gives its students access to Microsoft office 365 packages. All you need is your VUT students email address and the email password. 

To connect to Microsoft Office 365, Click and use your VUT staff Outlook email address or student Google email address as username and your email password to log in.

Click here to access a step by step guide of how to connect to Office365.


The Google emails are intended for VUT students to collaborate with fellow students, academics, and any person world-wide. Click Google Email to view the guide on how to connect to access VUT Google emails for students. Login credentials are the students’ VUT email address and password

ITS – iEnabler

ITS is an ERP that brings together most of the University’s administrative resources into one system. The user interface for each person is tailored to them depending upon the roles they have in the University. The administrative systems under the ITS umbrella include students’ and staff iEnabler.

Students ITS – iEnabler

The students’ ITS iEnabler includes menus such as Residence Application, Academic Registration, Residence Registration, Student Admin, Financial Aid, Student Enquiry and more. The login credentials are the student number and ITS pin. Click to access ITS.

Click here to access a step by step guide of how to reset your ITS pin.


Vutela/Blackboard is managed by Centre of Academic Development (CAD) Department, for assistance on this service contact [email protected]. IT Services and CAD Department have collaborated to provide Students with the ability to login and access the Vutela/Blackboard portal using their student Email credentials.


Moodle is a learning management system supported by IT Services. Students with subjects registered on Moodle can access the portal using their student Email credentials.

Click here to access a step by step guide of how to login to Moodle.

Self- Service Password

Online IT Service that allows users the ability to reset their password in case it is forgotten, expired or locked after several unsuccessful login attempts by themselves.

Register security questions

Register your security questions in order to be able to reset own password in the future. Click register your security questions

Please click here for a step-by-step guide to register your security questions.

Password Reset

To reset your password in case you have forgotten it or your account is locked. Click reset password to get a new password.

Please click here for a step-by-step guide to reset password.

Update Password

Use to update to preferred password or if you’re password has expired. Click here to Update Password

Please click here for a step-by-step guide to update password.

Printing – Xerox

IT Services and Xerox have collaborated to equip Students with the ability to print, make copies and scan documents from dedicated Xerox printers within the VUT domain at a minimal cost using their student Email credentials. Printing Guide

First Year Students

IMPORTANT: Note that if it is your First time Logging in AND you have not yet UPDATED the Default Password, please update your password FIRST before accessing any Service, click here to Update your Password.


Student Labs:

  • P block first and second floor labs are used for ICT/E-Skills classes.
  • Third floor (P301) is an assessment lab and used for Engineering classes on Fridays and is controlled by bookings using Calendar.
  • Third floor (P303) is an open lab for students.
  • Gym Hall lab is an open lab for students.
  • T Block computer labs are used for ICT software studies classes (i.e. programming, Cisco, etc.) Only available for classes and assessment. Bookings through Lab Owners-ICT.
  • M Block lab is used as a research Hub. Owned by Food and Clothing Dept.
  • PS building (TV1, TV2, SSL and DL) are used for online assessment and staff trainings (Owned by CAD).

NB: Only the P-Block third floor is maintained by the IT Services department. The first and second floors of P Block as well as T Block labs belong to the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences where IT Services only manages the IT infrastructure in these venues.

  • Help Desk Contact Details:

    • Email: [email protected]
    • NB: 24hr turnaround time for emails.
    • Office Line: 016 950 9111
    • Operating Hours: 07:45am – 4:30pm Weekdays
    • Closed Weekends
    • Closed on Holidays



How can we help you? Browse the topics below for more information and frequently asked questions about IT Services.

I’m getting an incorrect password error when logging into my VUT Student email (Gmail Account), Blackboard, Eduroam?

1. If you are trying to login to the VUT Student email (Gmail Account), Blackboard, Eduroam for the first time please ensure that you:

Step1 click here to update your password and Step 2 click here to register your security questions.

Your default credentials are VUT student email(YOUR [email protected]) and password (Date of birth, using format YYYYMMDD), and create a NEW PASSWORD.

You will not be able to access the VUT Student email (Gmail Account), Blackboard, Eduroam without updating the password.

To access all the above study services, VUT Student email (Gmail Account), Blackboard, Eduroam. Login using the student email ([email protected])  and NEW PASSWORD.

2.If you have already updated your password and are still not able to login into the following services VUT Student email (Gmail Account), Blackboard, Eduroam?

Please RE-UPDATE your password using your updated password as the old password.

Step1 click here to update your password and Step2 click here to register your security questions.

Your default credentials are VUT student email(YOUR [email protected])  and password (using your updated password as the old password) and create a NEW PASSWORD.

You will not be able to access the VUT Student email (Gmail Account), Blackboard, Eduroam without RE-UPDATING the password.

To access all the above study services, VUT Student email (Gmail Account), Blackboard, Eduroam. Login using the student email([email protected]) and NEW PASSWORD.

  1. If you are trying to login to the services for the first time please ensure that you Step1 update your password and Step2 register your security questions. Your default credentials are student email and password (ID/Passport number). You will not be able to access the services without updating the password.

In order to access all above study services login using student email and updated password.

  1. If you have forgotten your password and have already register your security questions. Click reset password to get a new password and Login using student email and password.
  2. If you are unable to follow above steps to update your password and reset password then email [email protected]
  3. If you have follow above steps to update your password and reset password and still unable to login to services then email [email protected]

For step by step guide click below link:

Self- Service Password:

Register security questions:

Register your security questions in order to be able to reset own password in the future. Click link for step by step guide register your security questions

Password Reset:

To reset your password in case you have forgotten it or your account is locked. Click reset password to get a new password.

Update Password:

Use to update to preferred password or if you’re password has expired. Click Update Password for a step by step guide.

Follow below step:

  1. Go to
  2. Select iEnabler

To update you’re IT’s Pin, follow below step:

  1. Go to
  2. Select iEnabler
  3. Click change pin option
  4. Enter student number and the current pin
  5. Then click change pin

For step by step guide click below link:

Click here to access a step by step guide of how to reset your ITS pin.

To access forgotten ITs Pin, follow below step:

  1. Go to
  2. Select iEnabler
  3. Type Student Number
  4. Click Forgot pin option
  5. Pin will be sent to email.

For step by step guide click below link:

Click here to access a step by step guide of how to reset your ITS pin.

To request you’re IT’s Pin, follow below step:

  1. Go to
  2. Select iEnabler
  3. Type Student Number
  4. Click request pin option
  5. Pin will be sent to email.

For step by step guide click below link:

Click here to access a step by step guide of how to reset your ITS pin.

You have tried multiple times to login without correct password, try again after 20 minutes. Applies during the week days 8am – 4:30pm except holidays.

Click here to Log in to the Student Gmail.

Follow Below steps:

  1. Go to VUT website
  2. Click Students
  3. Click Student Google Email
  4. Type your email address then click Next
  5. Type your AD/Email Password then click Next

For step by step guide click below link:

Click here to view the guide on how to connect to access VUT Google emails for students.

  1. If you have forgotten your password and have already register your security questions. Click reset password to get a new password and Login using student email and password.

 For step by step guide click below link:

 Self- Service Password:

Register security questions:

Register your security questions in order to be able to reset own password in the future. Click link for step by step guide register your security questions

Password Reset:

To reset your password in case you have forgotten it or your account is locked. Click reset password to get a new password.

Update Password:

Use to update to preferred password or if you’re password has expired. Click Update Password for a step by step guide.

Follow Below steps:

  1. Activate Wi-Fi on Device
  2. Select Eduroam
  3. Click Connect to network
  4. Type your student email and AD/Email Password then click connect.

For step by step guide click below link:

Click here to view the guide on how to connect to Eduroam.

  1. If you have forgotten your password and have already register your security questions. Click reset password to get a new password and Login using student email and password.

For step by step guide click below link:

 Self- Service Password:

Register security questions:

Register your security questions in order to be able to reset own password in the future. Click link for step by step guide register your security questions

Password Reset:

To reset your password in case you have forgotten it or your account is locked. Click reset password to get a new password.

Update Password:

Use to update to preferred password or if you’re password has expired. Click Update Password for a step by step guide.

Follow Below steps:

  1. Open Google Chrome or preferred browser
  2. Type Office365 for students free on the Google Search
  3. Select For Students & Teachers Microsoft Office 365
  4. Type your Student Email
  5. Select I’m a Student
  6. Type AD/Email Password and click sign in

For step by step guide click below link:

Click here to access a step by step guide of how to connect to Office365.

If you have forgotten your password and have already register your security questions. Click reset password to get a new password and Login using student email and password.

For step by step guide click below link:

Self- Service Password:

Register security questions:

Register your security questions in order to be able to reset own password in the future. Click link for step by step guide register your security questions

Password Reset:

To reset your password in case you have forgotten it or your account is locked. Click reset password to get a new password.

Update Password:

Use to update to preferred password or if you’re password has expired. Click Update Password for a step by step guide.

Click here to Log in to Vutela/Blackboard.

Follow Below steps:

  1. Go to VUT website
  2. Click Students
  3. Click Vutela
  4. Select VUT – Student Login
  5. Type your email address then
  6. Type your AD/Email Password then Sign in

For step by step guide click below link:

Click here for guide.

  1. If you have forgotten your password and have already register your security questions. Click reset password to get a new password and Login using student email and password.

 For step by step guide click below link:

Self- Service Password:

Register security questions:

Register your security questions in order to be able to reset own password in the future. Click link for step by step guide register your security questions

Password Reset:

To reset your password in case you have forgotten it or your account is locked. Click reset password to get a new password.

Update Password:

Use to update to preferred password or if you’re password has expired. Click Update Password for a step by step guide.

Clear browser history or change browser

  • Internet Explorer – Open browser – click settings – click safety – click delete browser history – click delete button
  • Google Chrome – Open browser – Click three dots on the right top corner – Click history – Click history – Click clear browsing data – click clear data
  • Microsoft Edge – Open browser – Click three dots on the right top corner – Click history – Click clear history – click clear

If you are still experiencing problems logging onto Vutela/Blackboard:

[email protected] Only for Logging Queries

[email protected] All other support queries

Follow Below steps:

  1. Swipe you card/Enter student number then #
  2. Follow instructions on display and Insert cash
  3. Login to PC – Username – Student Number and Password – Date of Birth
  4. Balance will be displayed on top right – Click details
  5. Login – Username – Student Number and Password – Date of Birth
  6. Summary of balance and printing jobs will display
  7. Open document to print – Click file print
  8. Message the documents are waiting on queue
  9. Go to the printer Swipe/type student number click okay
  10. Type Password – date of birth click okay
  11. Click yes on message
  12. Click Print release
  13. Select document to print
  14. Click print for the documents to print
  15. Collect your printed document

For step by step guide click below link:

Click here for guide.

Follow Below steps:

  1. Produce your student card to the security personnel and sign the register by the door
  2. Login in to Computer, type your AD/Email Password then Enter
  3. Wait for the computer as it loads/create your profile
  4. Once you’re logged in you can now use all the applications installed on the computer
  5. For a student to be able to logout, press Ctrl+Alt+Del all at once and the below will load then select Sign out

If you having issues connecting to PC contact Laboratory Technician

Click here to Log in to the Library.

Follow Below steps:

  1. Go to VUT website
  2. Click Library
  3. To perform your searches, click on Library Catalogue
  4. Type your Search Keyword and click Submit

To find more information on how to access or use the library, click on LibGuides, here you will find more guidance on how to navigate the library according to different faculties or departments

For step by step guide click below link:

Click here for guide.

Click here to Log in to Moodle.

Follow Below steps:

  1. Go to VUT website
  2. Click Students
  3. Click VUT Moodle
  4. Click Login
  5. Type your email address
  6. Type your AD/Email Password then click Next

 For step by step guide click below link:

Click here to access a step by step guide of how to login to Moodle.

If you have forgotten your password and have already register your security questions. Click reset password to get a new password and Login using student email and password.

 For step by step guide click below link:

Self- Service Password:

Register security questions:

Register your security questions in order to be able to reset own password in the future. Click link for step by step guide register your security questions

Password Reset:

To reset your password in case you have forgotten it or your account is locked. Click reset password to get a new password.

Update Password:

Use to update to preferred password or if you’re password has expired. Click Update Password for a step by step guide.

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