
We offer a variety of comfortable, modern living spaces designed to help you feel at home while you study.


Placement and admnistration

Residents promise at all time to honor the character of the Vaal University of Technology and subject themselves to the authority of the residence management and all House Committee Members.

Living and learning

When you live at VUT Residence you are part of a diverse where the university encourages discovery, community and learning within and beyond the classroom.


Student Housing Management realizes the need to generate additional funds wherever possible through the utilization of its facilities and therefore has instituted a vacation accommodation programme that rents out the facilities to Holiday Makers, Sport people and Groups during the winter and summer recess periods.

Contact Us

Acting Director

Mrs Faith Mocoancoeng

016 950 7821 / 7814
[email protected]


Residence Accountant

Ms Keabetsoe Matima

[email protected]
016 950 7815

Living and Learning Manager

Mrs Portia Phasha [email protected]

Hospitality Manager

Mr Bhekizizwe Nkosi
016 950 7810/7824 [email protected]

Placement Manager

Ms Seipati Mzizi
[email protected]

Placement Officer

Mr Senzo Msibi
[email protected]

Mrs Caroline Miya
0169507828 [email protected]

Placement Officer

Mrs  Ncanyana Mnguni
[email protected]
016 9507818

Placement Officer

Mrs Anickey Mahloko

[email protected]
016 950 7811

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