
The Faculty of Management Sciences houses 4 departments focusing on academic fields of the HR, Accountancy, Logistics and Marketing.


Accountancy department


The Department currently has three main focus areas, namely developing the disciplines of Internal Auditing, Financial Information Systems and Management Accounting. It aims to positively contribute towards South Africa’s economic and social development by producing innovative internal audit, financial information systems and management accounting graduates with competitive skills


The Department currently has three main focus areas, namely developing the disciplines of Internal Auditing, Financial Information Systems and Management Accounting. It aims to positively contribute towards South Africa’s economic and social development by producing innovative internal audit, financial information systems and management accounting graduates with competitive skills

Accountancy department
Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

The Department of Human Resource Management equips students with skills in talent management, employee relations, and organizational development. It focuses on fostering ethical, innovative HR practices to drive workplace excellence and support South Africa’s socio-economic growth.

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

The Department of Education welcomes you as a learner to the Faculty of Human Sciences at the Vaal University of Technology. As teacher education undergoes increased scrutiny and is pressed to demonstrate its contributions to teacher and student learning, we are compelled to engage in continuous learning and development to stay ahead of new developments.

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Management aims at providing current education in the dynamic field of logistics and supply chain management. This is achieved through the integration of existing knowledge with new knowledge and affording learners the ability to Think logically.


Marketing, Retail Business and Sport Management

Engaging with this Department will introduce you to the dynamic and relevant world of business through the lenses of a dynamic Marketing, Retail Business and Sport Management curricula. The Department undertakes to lay a firm bedrock for career opportunities in the private, public and other sectors of government.

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