
The Faculty of Human Sciences houses 4 departments focusing on academic fields of the Social Sciences, Arts, and the Performing and Creative Arts.


Visual Arts and Design

To be a Department of Visual Arts, within an African University, that leads in quality teaching and learning of Visual Arts, informed by research and driven by innovation and technology.

Visual Arts and Design

To be a Department of Visual Arts, within an African University, that leads in quality teaching and learning of Visual Arts, informed by research and driven by innovation and technology.

Tourism and Integrated Communication

The Department of Tourism and Integrated Communication promotes excellence, inventiveness and innovation among students and staff. Our offerings are in multidisciplinary fields  of study with the purpose of preparing students with the expertise, commitment and skills for positions in the expanding tourism industry and the hospitality sector.


The Department of Education welcomes you as a learner to the Faculty of Human Sciences at the Vaal University of Technology. As teacher education undergoes increased scrutiny and is pressed to demonstrate its contributions to teacher and student learning, we are compelled to engage in continuous learning and development to stay ahead of new developments.


The Department of Education welcomes you as a learner to the Faculty of Human Sciences at the Vaal University of Technology. As teacher education undergoes increased scrutiny and is pressed to demonstrate its contributions to teacher and student learning, we are compelled to engage in continuous learning and development to stay ahead of new developments.

Legal Sciences

The Department of Legal Sciences was launched at VUT in
2009 when the department had responsibility for presenting
legal subjects for all other qualifications at the university,
with one qualification presented in the department, the
National Diploma in Safety Management.

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