
We offer a world of knowledge with our extensive library collections, from rare manuscripts and academic journals to e-books and multimedia resources.

General lending collection

This collection is made up of a wide selection of books and other material that is available for normal loan at all VUT libraries. These books are issued for 14 days to Diploma students. It is located on the 2nd and 3rd floor at Main Campus, and is in the main public access area at other libraries. It consists mainly of circulating books that can be borrowed for home/external use.

Reserved collection

This collection has been created for special publications and books in great demand but in short supply. It consists of prescribed books, recommended books for assignments and projects, special reports, lecturers’ notes and other items. This collection can only be used for period of two hours renewable, and it is for in-house use only. It is also referred to as “short loans section”.

Journal collection

A journal is a magazine or other periodic publication. “Journal or periodical” usually refers to a “scholarly journal” published by an academic discipline and contains reports of research conducted in that field. The VUT Libraries have hard copies as well as electronic journals. At Main Campus this collection is found on the ground floor of the Library, while at other campuses these are kept at main service counters.

Electronic or online collection

Electronic resources are collections of information e.g. online databases, electronic encyclopedias, e-dictionaries, e-journals, e-books, etc. These are accessed on electronic devices or computers. Online databases provide online access to journal articles, books, reports, and other publications via the Internet. The Library subscribes to more than 40 databases that provide access to full-text articles, books and annual conferences. The Library currently subscribes to the following databases: Emerald, EbscoHost Online, SABINET databases, SpringerLink, IEEE, ScienceDirect, ISI Web of Knowledge, InformaWorld, McGregor, JSTOR, among others. Subjects covered include management, health, arts, fashion, science, engineering, computer sciences, business, law, food, sports, education, and mo

Reference collection

This collection is made up of a wide selection of books and other material that is available for normal loan at all VUT libraries. These books are issued for 14 days to Diploma students. It is located on the 2nd and 3rd floor at Main Campus, and is in the main public access area at other libraries. It consists mainly of circulating books that can be borrowed for home/external use.

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