Located in Vanderbijlpark within the Faculty of Management Sciences, this department develops skills in Marketing (Operations and strategic) while offering competencies in the management of Retail businesses as well as Sports academies and facilities.
Advisory board committee
The main purpose of the Marketing, Retail Business and Sport Management (MRS) Departmental Advisory Board Committee is to advise the department on issues relating to the curriculum. The Departmental Advisory Board Committee also assists in ensuring that the qualifications of the department of MRS remain relevant and of acceptable standards for local and international industry participation. The MRS departmental Advisory Board Committee is also instrumental in providing strategic guidance and thereby acts as a firm sounding board for the academic department to thrive at the Vaal University of Technology (VUT).
The Departmental Advisory Board Committee helps to ensure that the MRS department remains true to its goals while attaining the vision of the Vaal University of Technology, which is to be, “an African university that leads in quality teaching and learning, informed by research and driven by innovation and technology” and its mission which is “to produce employable and entrepreneurial graduates who can make an impact in society. The following comprise the lead team of the MRS Advisor Board Committee for the period 2021-2023:

Prof Nobukhosi Dlodlo
Position: Chairperson
Affiliation: Head of Department
Marketing, Retail Business & Sport Management at the
Vaal University of Technology

Ms Ziporah Maubane
Position: Deputy Chairperson
Affiliation: CEO at Digital Ascent(Pty)Ltd.

Prof Virimai Mugobo

Mr James Shabangu
Position: WIL and Sports Coordination Lead
Affiliation: CEO of Dona’s Mates

Ms Precious Marina Ngobeni
Position: Alumni Lead
Affiliation: VUT Alumni
Rhodes University
Professional Bodies/ Corporate members
Our staff members strive to acquire recognition in various professional bodies in view of expanding the departmental brand:
- Southern African Institute of Management Scientists (SAIMS)
- Southern African Marketing Research Association (SAMRA)
- Marketing Association of South Africa (MASA)
- South African Association of Human Movement Sciences (SAAHMS).